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Become a member of The Atelier and join over 500+ progressive activists, thought leaders, and change agents helping each other to change the world.

Welcome to The Atelier

The Atelier brings together progressive thought leaders, activists and change agents in a safe space to collaborate, organize, support one another, and use our voices for change. Here, we find hope in the darkness, and work together to co-create a better, more equitable world with freedom and justice for all people.

a private and safe community for activists, organizers, and people who care

here’s how we do it

Our online membership community connects leaders and change agents in safe space to collaborate, support one another, and use our voices to create a better world and better lives.

We offer online courses to grow your leadership and changemaking, so that your goals, your leadership and a better future are within reach

Our private hosted rooms allow you to privately and safely create community, organize, grow and amplify your work inside a private space inside The Atelier.

What People Are Saying

This app is everything I love about social media without everything I hate about social media. Outstanding!!".”

— Member, The Atelier

This safe place is an incredibly good idea and was sorely needed!”.

— Member, The Atelier

“*Giddy* posting this with zero terf nonsense to be had. I mean, not in my wildest imagination, as a parent of a trans kiddo, had I ever imagined a place where this could be possible.”

— Member, The Atelier